30th June 2009
The Failed Appeal.
On Tuesday 31st March 2009, at the Royal Courts of Justice in London, 3 Appeal Court judges ruled that there was “compelling” evidence that David Hodgson murdered Jenny on 30th June 2005. The appeal centred around new evidence from a forensic linguist, that quite frankly, was weak to put it mildly. Lady Justice Hallett commented that the new evidence “did nothing” to boost the defence’s case. One could argue that it was a complete waste of taxpayer’s money, though our justice system has evolved in a way that allows the defence team to almost automatically launch an appeal no matter how futile or ludicrous it may seem.
At the very least, the failed appeal has strengthened the conviction and it was reassuring to listen to the judges question the new evidence. The wry grin so often displayed by Jamie Hill QC, for Hodgson, gave way to subservient nods as it became increasingly clear that their case was about to be dismissed. It has also reaffirmed the total selfishness that David Hodgson has displayed throughout and we hope that slowly but surely, the misplaced loyalty acted out by some members of his family, will start to subside. They too, have some soul searching to do as they sought to blame Jenny for their woe’s and embarked on some rather unpleasant activities. Lady Justice Hallett in her summing up, said Hodgson had become “over possessive” and prone to “manhandling” Jenny........... traits that he has displayed with others throughout his meagre life.
Maybe then, we may see some signs of acceptance for what he has done, though to be frank, his selfishness has become so ingrained, it might even be of benefit to society as the longer he maintains this stance, the longer he will remain in prison.
Many kind words were said about Jenny during the summing up and it was very clear from the outset, that the 3 judges were very well prepared, as you would expect. It also gave us some solace as for the first time, Jenny has been portrayed more accurately and her wee soul didn’t have to be shaken anymore, like it was at the trial in 2008...... by David Hodgson, his defence team and certain members of his family. Sometimes we feel like saying things much stronger, but we have always promised not to allow ourselves to display the same low standards that certain others have displayed.
Another Year On
It will be 4 years on Tuesday 30th June 2009, since Jenny took that fateful journey from home and never returned. We think of her daily and as we watched the Glastonbury Festival over the weekend, we wondered which bands Jenny would have liked? Which new bands would she have taken to? Which songs would she have tried to learn on her guitar and strummed away in her bedroom? Which festivals would she have gone to over the last 4 years if she had not needlessly been taken from us? Jenny liked music and it’s one way in which we can remember her.
As ever, Jenny is constantly in our thoughts and prayers and we hope she remains in yours too.
Brian & Ann
Jenny you are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
Lots of Love Always
Bid & Sean
Jenny, you are gone but will never be forgotten.
Can't believe that your zip trousers that you brought in Carnaby St all them years ago are now fashion!!!!!! I'd never thought i would say this but you were a fashion icon in your own right!!!!!!!!!
Lots of love always
It is so hard to believe that 4 years have passed. We remember you through your music - even through all the loud noise there was such talent and a passion for music. We continue to hope and pray that you are found and have the resting place that you deserve.
Jenny, wherever you were today, we were with you and wherever you are tomorrow, we will be there too.
Mum & Dad xxxxx
Jenny you are gone but never forgotten we love you always.
love Irene & John
Still missing you, keeping you in our memories. God bless always.
Will raise a glass in your honour.
Love Kay and Frank
All the while as they world turns and headlines report wars. atrociities, economic woes and more, a sweet little girl who fills our hearts with love and precious memories and reminds us that it doesn't matter what the headlines are, or what consumes the media, that what really matters are the people we love. Jenny will forever be with us because of the place she holds in our hearts and memories. The Beatles had it right..........all you need is love! We love you Jenny, always have, always will.
From your family high in the Rocky Mountains.
I think of you daily....know that I love you always and forever!!!!!
xoxo...your cousin Bronlyn.
Did not know about Jenny, untill I stopped of at Holly Hill Pub, about 2 months after she disappeared. I was sat at the bench, in the corner with my back to the car park fence, eating a sandwich, when I swore a girl had walked up to the fence behind me, and into the corner, where I thought there was a gate. I had a weird feeling she wanted something, so I got up and looked round, but there was no one there, I went to the corner, where I thought there was a gate, but the view looked across the field to the castle. When I returned home I looked up Richmond, and the Holly Hill, and its never been out of my mind since then, when I read the story of Jenny. When I visit the area, I all ways have a walk around in secluded areas, hopeing she will show me where she is, so her family can put her to rest. The feeling was so intense, I just know it was her.
what a waste of tax payers money if he was any kind of man he would tell the truth my thoughts are with jennys family god bless x
A Child Loaned.
"I'll tend you for a little time
A child of Mine" He said.
"For you to love the while she lives,
And mourne for when she's dead.
It may be six or seven years
Or twenty-two or three,
But will you,till I call her back,
Take care of her for Me?
She,ll bring her charms to gladden you,
And should her stay be brief,
You'll have her lovely memories
As solace for your grief.
It's such a lovely Sunday afternoon... and it made was think of you:)
Auntie Mary..xxx
Grief is not for ever,but love is.
Always in our thoughts and prayers. With love to her dear parents, Ann and Brian.
The Roe Family x
Jenny you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Happy Brithday, I love you and miss you.
Love always
This is to commemorate Jenny's birthday on October 6. Love to Jenny.........we'll think of you always! Auntie May
October 6th, 2009 -- Happy, Happy Birthday Jenny! You are always in my thoughts, and I miss you everyday. I will have a wee drink to celebrate your 24th birthday! Love you always and forever, Bronlyn (Alex) de Haydu.
Happy birthday little star.. where ever you are......
all our love & kisses...
Auntie Mary & Nanny.xxxxx
Happy Birthday Jenny.
Not only do we all think of you today but everyday.
You will always be missed and loved
Lots of love always
happy birthday jenny,still loving and missing you love kay frank and heather xxx
Thinking of you and your family especially today Jenny. You are always in our thoughts.
Thank you to everyone who has left birthday messages for Jenny and kind thoughts for our family.
The 6th October would have been Jenny's 24th birthday.
We remember all the past celebrations that we had for her and that feels us with happy memories and pride that she was our daughter,sister, Grandaughter,neice and cousin.
but sad that her life was taken in such an appalling and cruel manner.
Grief is not ever,but love is.
The Nicholl family.
just seen the TV sorry that it did not bring good news Keep the faith
still in my thoights and prayers
I just read the article from the coroner...I pray daily that my wee cousin get the proper burial! I pray that our family get some peace and that we can lay Jenny to rest like she deserves!!!!!
Jenny is always just a memory away, and I love her and miss her daily!
Love always, Bronlyn
Christmas is approaching....I have had Jenny on my mind a great deal...I will keep her in my thought through the holiday season as well as throughout each year! Merry Christmas Jenny. Love you everyday! xoxo, Bronlyn.
Brian,Ann and family, this site is testimony to your love for jenny and the humilty you have shown throughout the last 4 years is inspirational. We as a family know how horrific life can be when a loved one is murdered but your words on the front of this site have showed me that it is better to be gracious when faced with this terrible situation. Thanks for always thinking of us and lisa, we think of you often and pray for an end to ur struggle. I hope Christmas has been peaceful and the new year will bring you some comfort. Thinking of you, love the dorrian family xxx
You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, and though you cannot see you, you are always at our side.
Irene & john
Alright Jenny, miss ya and still hard to think you'll never say i'm an under rated bassist even though i'm pants!!!
Your not one to forget!
Anne and Brian hope your ok!
Martin x
Alright Jenny
Strange to think you'll never mock me for mutliple things or say i'm under rated as a bassist although i'm pants, Hope your at rest..
Anne and Brian and family I hope you are ok.
Martin McGready
We are fine. Sure Jenny would have been only joking about your bass playing.
She always enjoyed having a laugh with you.
Hope you and your parents are all well.
Still on the Garrison?
Ann xx
May 2nd 2010
We just had a birthday celebration at our home with all the family. Good food and company.
Just the setting Jenny would have enjoyed.
We so missed not having you there to share all the fun.
Visited the site where your tree is planted and sent you our prayers and love.Not even a grave where we can pay our respects.
Only the person responsible for your demise Jen
knows the truth.
Yet, he continues to remain silent. Disgraceful and inhuman.!!
Ann Nicholl
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