Despite the Successful Conviction of David Hodgson for Murder - We Still Don’t Know Where Jenny Is.
It was never our intention to use this blog site to have a go at anyone or any of the processes that we have been through. However, we believe the time has come to speak up on behalf of Jenny, whose very soul has been rattled and shaken to the core during the trial at the beginning of 2008. Jenny can’t speak for herself now and many inaccurate comments were made by the defence in court and the manner, in which certain aspects have been reported, leaves certain statements unchallenged, unchecked and hanging in the air. As parents, we simply want to put a few things right.
Whilst an appeal against his conviction is underway, we have decided that we will wait until that process is exhausted before we launch a more vocal and direct stance on any individual and numerous issues. For now, we will stick to only what has already been widely reported and we therefore, see no interference whatsoever in what we are saying. I mention this as David Hodgson’s defence tried every available means to stop people leaving messages of support on this BlogSpot, despite it never having carried any derogatory remarks about Hodgson or anything that would affect his trial. It didn’t seem to affect him by talking to the press before the case or any other aspects of his behaviour, though we don’t want to give any ammunition to his defence and listen to them griping about the blog like they did even before the trial had started. We have as much right as the media or anyone else that was in court to make comment and as I have mentioned, we will do more of that in the future but for now, we will do it on Jenny’s behalf.
To highlight the fact that Jenny has still not been found and for the benefit of a large number of people that do not live in the North East and may not have seen much of the coverage, a few aspects of the Judge’s sentencing speech are listed below:
Mr Justice Openshaw, the Trial Judge said:
“The defendant’s concealment of her body has prolonged the anguish and agony of her family and friends as they waited for news of her fate”
“After he killed her, the defendant retained her mobile phone and on two separate days sent bogus text messages from the phone - as if from her – first to her friends and then to her father, cruelly pretending that she was still alive and that she had run away. He was, of course, intending, thereby, to prevent the missing person inquiry turning into a murder investigation”
“Naturally, her family found any slight hope that the messages might be genuine and so their uncertainty extended from weeks to months, until the gradual realisation that she must be dead, and that she has been murdered.”
“Even now, they have been denied such solace as can be found from a funeral and from providing for her a decent dignified and reverent disposal of her remains as they wish. I do not doubt that the thought that she is lying somewhere up on the moors will continue to inflict further pain on her long suffering family. The defendant has shown not the slightest regret or remorse”
“Where he had hidden and disposed of her body only the defendant knows, because on these matters he has remained silent. No doubt, he buried her somewhere in the woods or threw her body down one of the many potholes or mineshafts which are found throughout Swaledale. The defendant then casually returned home in the morning greeting his wife as if nothing had happened.”
There are other parts of the Judge’s remarks that we would like to comment on and indeed various aspects of what was said in court, but we will wait until sometime in the future to have our say. For now, it is the picture that the defence tried to paint of Jenny, a 19 year old girl, that we feel is appropriate to remark on. From the outset, we are fully aware that any defence counsel has a duty to represent their client to the best of their ability. It is their job to put across the arguments that the defendant makes. However, it is a totally different story altogether when they appear to join in with the fabrication or make repugnant remarks of their own. We sat in court every single day of the trial and listened to some of the biggest tosh we have ever heard. Some may think this is necessary in our justice system, but we can assure you, when you see or hear such drivel first hand, about a daughter that has been murdered and you see the wry grins on the faces of the defence day after day when asking fastidious questions, it makes you wonder. Not very practicable, but very theatrical and sometimes it appeared as a nauseating game.
Many of Jenny’s close friends were reduced to tears in the witness box as the defence attempted to paint a picture of Jenny that she was a drunkard, a drug addict, a drug dealer, her hypothetical dating habits (there was an admission of lies about this later in the trial) and so on and on it went. I doubt very much that any of these young people would ever consider giving evidence to any investigation again as many of them were unnecessarily humiliated and intimidated into agreeing to what appeared to be ‘very selectable’ strands of truths or depraved allegations made by the defence. All this, in an attempt to blacken Jenny’s name....... why? So much claptrap was covered that after only a few days it was very, very noticeable that those sitting in the press area, suddenly perked up in their seats and began scribbling away, only when certain words were spoken. Words such as ‘sex, drugs, alcohol’ or just about any statement that may indicate a possible lurid or tabloid story would attract their attention. No such signs of activity or scribbles about certain other serious matters and we shall amplify on those in the future when we decide the time is appropriate.
It’s not right, particularly as it does not paint the correct picture and appeared to have no point. It could have been any 19 year old and indeed there are many ‘normal’ teenagers that would have had a character assassination much worse than the one the defence tried with Jenny. What did they hope to achieve? Were they trying to say to the jury that Jenny’s lifestyle was so bad that it didn’t matter that she had been murdered? Even if it had all been accurate, which it certainly was not, what did it achieve, what was the purpose?
Unfortunately, the ways in which certain things are reported by the media leave huge pieces hanging in the air. Absurd remarks during cross examination by the defence are reported in a manner such as......”the court heard today, that blah blah blah” or “the defence counsel told the jury that, such and such” and sometimes it is never put in the right context or is fully explained that the substance came from the defendant and indeed often a few days later, it would become obviously apparent that it could not have been true. Often, this would go unreported or it is just not joined up with other relevant material and it is appalling that such bitter statements about Jenny went unchallenged or unchecked. Many people have asked us questions since the trial and they are stunned when we explain it all in more detail. One person remarked to us; “Who is on trial here, David Hodgson or Jenny?”
Of course it is up to the prosecution to prove the case and the defence don’t have to do a single thing if they choose not too. However, if they do, it appears they can come up with all sorts of nonsense and sadly our criminal justice system allows it. Sitting in court, in the public gallery listening to endless baloney, it is frustrating when you hear lies; particularly when you know you could probably prove otherwise or offer other information..... and you have to sit there and bite your lip, saying nothing. How come the prosecution can remain dignified and polite to all concerned and still achieve their aim, yet the defence can attempt to rip witnesses to shreds in what appears to be a sardonic mocking fashion and much of it goes unchallenged? The defence also tried to ridicule the Police at every opportunity and it became blatantly obvious what their distorted methods were.
We guess it’s because it was just as we said earlier, its complete twaddle and unnecessary. It just makes us sad that it happens and as parents, we will continue to counter any scenario that anyone puts forward about Jenny if it goes unchecked or is not put in proportion. It’s the very least we can do.
Anyone who knew Jenny knows that she was fun and got on with everyone. She went out of her way to help others and was well liked and respected. We don’t need to justify that any further or disprove much of what the defence said. Suffice to say that it was nowhere near an accurate depiction of Jenny and she did not deserve to be talked about in the way they described. How dare they besmirch her memory....... shame on them!
Three Years On.
It will be 3 years on Monday 30th June 2008 since Jenny walked out of our home, and was never seen again. She is missed dearly. The family will mark this 3rd anniversary privately and in their own way. Jenny has still not been found and only time will tell if we will ever be able to put her to rest. In the meantime, she is always in our thoughts and prayers and we will never forget her.
More to say at an appropriate time in the future..........................
Ann & Brian Nicholl
Thank you to everyone who posts here, we appreciate all the kind words.
Missing in the darkness,
vanished without a trace,
with only the memories and photographs,
to fill an empty place.
Laughter and sorrow,
anguish and grief,
all the moments of a life,
but with no relief.
Everything and nothing
one within and between all,
the eternal silence falls.
Always a smile instead of a frown.
Always a hand when someone was down.
Always true,thoughtful, and kind.
Wonderful memories you left behind.
Know one can ever take your place
Our sweet Jenny,with the beautiful
Well wisher from the north-east.
Hi Jen,
I know your in heaven with Granddad. As your 3 year anniversary approaches I hope you both are having a drink or two celebrating your life just like at Granddad's 70th Party.
Let us all remember the good times.
Love you always Heather
hi,ann&brian your dignity has never wavered throughout&God Bless you both for that.With His help a solution to your ongoing stress &SORROW MAY BE FOUND.always in our thoughts &prayers.Hopefully,this weekend wont be too stressful.We have August to look forward to!!!!!and time is a geat healer.Much love to you all,Bid&Sean
I know that your latest blog will have been very difficult to write but they are words that needed to be said. Having sat in court during some of the trial and then reading the media coverage - this did not reflect accurately what was being said in court. There were many lies uncovered that had been said about Jenny and her family that should have been reported on - why not?? All those who knew Jenny are proud and privileged to have spent time with this fun loving, caring, genuine young person. Jenny was a typical teenager that leaves the rest of us feeling that 'there but for the grace of God go I'. Ann & Brian have had such dignity and strength over the last 3 years and it is time to speak out for Jenny.
Our love and prayers are with you always.
I will light a candle and pray for Jenny and all her family and attend a service in her memory on Monday. God bless and keep you in His tender mercy.
I still find it so hard to believe Jenny is gone, I miss my friend so much.
Thinking of you always
Aunty Mary.xxxx
Be strong today you two, and of course James (who works at Swale with my son Andre. Marianne and and me are thinking of you - in fact each time we go past the Holly we say "wonder where Jenny is...." or something to that effect.
If there's anything we can do to help you up at this end please let us know. Love to both of you, Mr Nick and Marianne (alias Mrs Nick) X X X X
Three years have gone since you went away but in our hearts you will always stay loved and rembered always.
Love John & Irene
We hold special memories of Jenny in our hearts and pray that she is found and laid to rest.
I love you everyday my sweet cousin...I miss you everyday...I think of you often and know you are watching over your own ones with our granny at your side....
with all the love in my heart, your cousin Bronlyn xoxo
After reading this last blog for the 30th June 2008, I was totaly disgusted, with the killers defence lawyers, what Jennys lifestyle or what she did has nothing what so ever to do with, the fact that this man murdered her. It shows that the law and justice in this day and age is a farce. Defence lawyers should only be allowed to make comments about the murder, what ever a victims lifestyle is, as got nothing to do with the victims murder.
Thank you to everyone who sent cards.Attended a church service for Jenny,or just came to pay their respects to Brian and myself.
We,her partents, felt so comforted by everyones kind thoughts amd messages of support.
The sweet memories of jenny
live on eternally.
Ann & Brian Nicholl
I agree totally with the comments about the defence lawyers. They should only be allowed to say something if it is accurate. People who didn't know Jenny were judging her on a small snapshot in her life. Sometimes comments in the media were being taken as accurate because "people had read it" or "the defence lawyer had stated it". Often things were said out of context or magnified. I only hope in the future this changes and the person on trial IS the person on trial and not the injured party or those who are not here to defend themselves. So many people mourn and miss Jenny - a tribute to the wonderful young person that she was.
i am amazed that people of this
day and age can speak about people
like that and in court your family
was not on trial he was
three years are gone since jenny left you it will never be the same but never forget her name my prayers are with you both.
i have not cried for ages but this has bought tear to my eyes
all the best bill &marina
Jenny Nicholl by Laura age 13
On June 2005
People started searching for Jenny Nicholl
But all they can hope that she is alive
Searching, searching everywhere.
The hunt goes on after three years of mourning
Through the woods of the Yorkshire Dales
Young ladies of Richmond heed the warning
Looking, looking everywhere
The family and friends just cry & cry
Waiting for her to return to her home
They were so angry that they didn't say bye
Searching, searching everywhere.
The start of the court trial starts to go on
Pleading for her safe return
If only he would admit it won't be so long
Looking, looking everywhere.
He showed no emotion
The court trial carried on
The family return to there devotions
Searching, searching everywhere.
But she's still gone after three years
Even though he's been locked up
People still cry the sadness of tears
Looking and searching everywhere.
Too Soon
This was a life
That had hardly begun
No time to find
Your place in the sun
No time to do
All you could have done
But you were loved enough
For a lifetime.
No time to enjoy
The world and its wealth
No time to take life
Down off the shelf
No time to sing
The song of yourself
Though you had enough love
For a lifetime.
Those who live long
Endure sadness and tears
But you'll never suffer
The sorrowing years:
No betrayal, no anger,
No hatred, no fears
Just love - only love -
In your lifetime.
Mary Yarnell
On the anniversary of your birth, our dear sweet Jenny, we send our love and remember your family and friends who are missing you.
You will be in our hearts, forever, for always and no matter what!!!
Auntie May
Jenny always thinking of you. Your always in my thoughts and my prayers. Love you and miss you.
Miss you every day Jen.. more so on what would have been your birthday..
All our love... Nanny & Aunty Maryxxxx
Jenny we can't send you a card or present any more for your birthday but someone as special as you will be loved and remembered always.
Love John and Irene
To our sweet jen. On this day, which would have been your 23rd birthday.
We remember you with so much love.
You are so missed by us all.
mum and Dad.
Hey Jen, Happy Birthday. Im gonna have a drink and listen to Jimmy Hendricks later in your memory.
Lots of Love
Hi Jenny,happy birthday&God Bless,wherever you may be.You are often thought about&prayed for by myself&Aunty Bid.You should,if things were right in this awful world,be preparing for a little celebration on your 23rd.,but it was not meant to be!!!!!I may force myself to down a glass or three of Guinness later,Bid willing,or if she falls asleep early.Loved and missed as ever forever.Best Wishes,lovely one,take care,xxxxx
Happy, Happy Birthday sweet cousin. You are always in my heart and I love you very, very much!!!!!!! xoxo Bronlyn and Alex
Thinking of you on your birthday - still asking why, still asking where?
There is not an hour, or minute, when you are not thought of.
You are so loved and missed,Jenny.
mum & dad.
Our great memories of you will never fade.
You are with us always.
Love Irene and John
Jenny & your wonderful family
We think about you always but especially today.
Brian and I thank everyone who have posted messages in the past year and 2008.
We really hope that in 2009 we get some answers to what happened to Jenny and where she might be found.
To her family, friends and those her knew her from Richmond. She was a very gentle soul who did not deserve what happened to her.
Maybe,just maybe the person who has taken her life will have a shred of decency and tell us where she is.
Our beautiful Jen....
always in our thoughts.. and our Family. Another year without you. Never forgotten.
All our love,
Auntie Mary & Nan.xxx
keep your chins up i was there every day with you and i will never forget you all god bless.
Roman candles that burn in the night
Yeah, you are a shining light
You lit a torch in the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
You’ve always been a thorn in their side
But to me you’re a shining light
You arrive and the night is alive
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
We made our connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over Royal David’s city
An epiphany you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
You are a force, you are a constant source
Yeah you are a shining light
Incandescent in the darkest night
Yeah you are shining light
My mortal blood I would sacrifice
For you are a shining light
Sovereign bride of the infinite
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
We made our connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over Royal David’s city
An epiphany you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
And these are days you often say
There’s nothing that we can’t do
Beneath a canopy of stars
I’d shed blood for you
The north star in the firmament
You shine the most bright
I’ve seen you draped in an electric veil
Shrouded in celestial light
We made our connection
A full on chemical reaction
Brought by dark divine intervention
Yeah, you are a shining light
A constellation once seen
Over Royal David’s city
An epiphany you burn so pretty
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life
Yeah, you are a shining light
Yeah, you light up my life.
There are three things you cannot long hide... the Sun,the Moon, and the truth.
As always... love,
Aunty Mary.XXX
I love you Jenny....
Thinking of you always
On the 31st march,2009. At the high court in London. David Hodgson,Jenny's murderer, lost his appeal to have his conviction overturned.
His sentence stlls stands.
i was in court with you, and i agree that jenny was just a normal 19 yrold girl with all her life to live, the justice systym is a waste of time you were right what you said i would never witness any thing to be spoken to in that manner parents should never have to go through anything like that i will look on the site for updates in the future god bless
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