Spring Update
We would like to start this Spring Update with a 'Thank You' to everyone who has kept us and of course Jenny, in their thoughts and prayers. We are grateful for the kind words that people say to us and for all the posts here on this Blog. Anyone is welcome to leave a message here, it is not just for family and I know some of you were not sure whether to post or not. As this update will be on a new page, it will look like all the previous comments have disappeared, they haven't, they will be in one of the archives and you can link to them on the right of this page. We look at all the messages of support regularly and check the archives now and then for any that are inadvertently left there. So, if you are new to the site, scroll through all of the archives and see the previous posts and find out about Jenny's plight, but if you wish to leave a comment, please return to this page and click on 'comments' at the bottom of the page.
Tree Planted
In March we had a tree planted for Jenny and a plaque placed on a small post at the bottom. It is a Dawn Redwood, which is a deciduous conifer and is fast growing. Although it is a conifer, because it is deciduous, it sheds it's needles each autumn. Before it does, it looks very beautiful as it changes through several colours from green to a reddish golden brown and gold. The trunk of the tree will in time, be covered in a beautiful red soft bark. Jenny's tree is just starting to bud, so it looks a bit bare at the moment compared to others, but it will soon take off! We don't want to advertise to the wider world exactly where the tree is just yet, but anyone who wants to visit, just call us or email and we will give you directions. The park wardens, who arranged everything and planted the tree for us, have been great and they have taken a personal interest in it.
The Investigation
We know it has been a while since we have updated this site or sent out an update email and a lot of you have been asking what is happening. The investigation is very much "still on the go" though (frustratingly) for obvious reasons, we are not able to go into any detail in this forum. We are sure however, that you will all take some comfort in knowing that it has not gone away or been closed down....... far from it!
Fingers crossed,
David Hodgson, of Richmond North Yorkshire, was formally charged in court on 16 May 2007 with Jenny's murder. He has been remanded in custody and a trial date is expected to be set for very early in 2008.
Unfortunately (though understandably) we have been asked not to accept any further posts until the trial has finished. We'll let you know when you can resume commenting.
Thank you all for your support.
Ann and Brian.
David Hodgson, of Richmond North Yorkshire, was formally charged in court on 16 May 2007 with Jenny's murder. He has been remanded in custody and a trial date is expected to be set for very early in 2008.
Unfortunately (though understandably) we have been asked not to accept any further posts until the trial has finished. We'll let you know when you can resume commenting.
Thank you all for your support.
Ann and Brian.
Lisa Dorrains Chum, Hi Jenny's parents and brothers, I am so glad you planted that beautiful tree for your beautifil daughter and sister, I really hope ypu hear news soon. Good Luck and God Bless. Be strong as a family xx
Thinking that everything in the search for Jenny had come to a standstill had crossed my mind, I would hate the thought of there being no resolution for you all.
Thank you for the update, it cannot be easy for you.
We are thinking of Jenny here in the Rocky Mountains as spring is in full throttle. Recently, Ann and I took a stroll in the shade of a red rock cliff in a National Park on our way home from Las Vegas and we spoke of our love for Jenny. I took the same walk with Jenny some years ago, her Grandmother (Sara Nicholl) was with us. Both of them are gone now but the sweet memories remain. I am sure that Brian and Ann can attest to the notion that there's nothing like raw pain to blast through all our plans and assumptions...........but through it all........no one can take the love or undo the memories of a child well and truly loved. Jenny is well and truly loved.
Auntie May
HI just wanted to say that all of our thoughts are of course still with you Ann & family, still can't believe she hasn't come home yet. It saddens me that we don't hear about any investigations that are still ongoing - there are things still going on aren't there?I think your poster campaign etc has been brilliant and every time I see a new photo of jenny around town it makes me stop and think about her. Here's hoping you hear something soon,
Sharon xx
Love you Jenny...can't wait to visit your tree! You are always in my heart...
Thank you to everyone who has posted messages on Jenny's blog.
We struggle to make sense of the savage event that has destroyed a precious member of our family.
Our Jenny.
We are staying strong and positive in memory of her.
ann nicholl.
Jenny's tree is a symbol appropriate to her - as natural and beautiful as she was.
to my dear friends,the nicholl family,
Just to say are thoughts are still with you all and with the recent missing maddie girl missing in portugal made me think once again that this case has gone for far to long and hope the police are doing far better than they are in portugal but hope both familys get a closure on there missing daughters one way or the other,hope to see you in the summer brian and anne as we are up that way in a few month and will make sure we can meet up so you can see my two boys and wife,lots of love from Joris(jon),eleni,roman and new born son miko aka the parham family.
P.S Willo and Paddy send there love and regards x
Just heard on the news that some one has been arrested for Jenny's murder. Hurray! I hope he rots for what he's done to her & you as a family. I hope you get all the answers you need now & hopefuly your chance to say good bye to Jenny properly. R.I.P.
Thinking of you.
Dear Brian and Ann
Thinking of you both as you now have another long road ahead. I hope you get all the answers you need and that you can say goodbye to Jen properly,stay strong and positive as you have done all this time.
Love Jo
Kev & Rose
Just heard the news. Brilliant We hope that today is the start of the end for you both. That at the end of the case you can get some closure.
We know that you will have to live through a terrible ordeal in the days ahead. We will be thinking of you both, stay strong,if there is anything we can do to help you through this time just ask.
Hope to see you soon with a positive outcome.
Hi Anne and family,
Its good to hear that progress has been made after a long wait. My thoughts are with you. And the tree seems a great idea and represents the free spirit she possesed.
McGready family
Lets hope & pray that we finally see justice for Jenny. Having been given the firm roots that she needed by you all she too should have been allowed to blossom, flourish and reach her potential - just like her tree. Thinking of you all - stay strong.
Hi well finaly the police have made a postative move forward in the case . I still belive there are question that need to be answered which could of closed this case a lot sooner 1 what happened to the sucpect blue car which he changed just after Jenny went missing ? did the car hold clues??? 2 why did the sucpect and his wife walk around the same part of the moors on the top of Leyburn road ????? have the site been checked out by the police?. I hope and pray that you find Jenny and lay her to rest .
To Ann, Brian and family,
We have just heard that someone has been charged,my god a long wait but we all knew justice would be done, lets just hope the courts play their part in it now and give you all the justice you so need for your beautiful Jenny. We unfortunately are still waiting for Lisa to be found and for Justice to be done but with all the prayers and love we both have from people all over the world, God cannot refuse. We will both bring our girls home eventually. I am so pleased, (if pleased is the right word) that the animal who took Jenny has been taken off the streets and will now pay for what he has done. When something like this happens, these people do not only take away one precious life, they destroy all our lives. Love as always, stay strong, you have got this far and finally the light is starting to shine at the end of the tunnel, Love The Dorrian Family xxxx
To Ann, Brian and family,
A few words of support that I am sure you may well need at this time, is that a lot of friends both past and present are thinking of you.
There will be more "Happy Days"
"Keep yer chin up"
I am very sorry for your loss, and I hope god will give you the stength and help you with the ongoing investigations.
ps, It was very nice meeting you on the train
I am very sorry for your loss, and I hope god will give you the strength and help you with the ongoing investigations.
PS, it was nice meeting you on the train
When i heard someone had been charged i thaught of you guys all day, it must be such a relief there is finally something for you guys to get some hope from you have spent to long in the dark. my heart is with you guys every day all of us are thinking of you and hope the trial gives you guys some peace in some form or another i cant imagine the pain you feel no matter how many tears i cry. keep strong x x x x Will stanway. Highashendrix@hotmail.com
''loved today, yesterday and
forever more''
Auntie Mary & Nan...xxx
Just wanted to say thank you for keeping us posted on updates. Jenny's tree is beautiful and i cant wait to visit it. Brian, Ann and family I love you, my thoughts and prayers are with you.
So glad they found the evidence to arrest him - lets hope he gives the information you need to find jenny. i dont know how you have got through this or found a way to carry on. god bless you both and may jenny and yourselves find the peace that you deserve. All my love Mandy (Paddy and Willos daughter)x
Brian, saw you in the Chelsea Potter at OCA weekend for fist time in 20 years.
My thoughts are with you, Ann and family at this difficult time.
Let us hope you find Jenny soon.
Ronnie Megrath
I dont know you or you family but I worked at Coop the same time as Jenny. Id worked there a while when Jenny started there. Jenny was quiet when she started but I spoke to her quite a bit, we used to joke about stuff that went on at work. I remember talking to her on the thursday before she went missing, I didnt know then that would be the last time I would speak to her.
Ive followed Jennys case from day one and think about her and what happened alot, always hoping at the beginning that she'd be ok, but later that the scum that did this was caught. I really hope that this recent development is the start of some sort of closure for your family
Stay strong
She is like the wind.. you can not see her... but you will always feel her...
We still love you..
Aunty Mary & Nan xxxx
Jenny you're never far from our thoughts. We love you always.
Irene & John
A memorial placed in the North Yorkshire News this week reads:
Jenny Nicholl, Two Years and Too Many Tears.
"Unseen, unheard, you are always near, yet we don't know where you are? So missed, so loved, so very dear. Loved and remembered by Mum & Dad, your brothers and all the family".
"Our Wee Jen"
This feeling of wanting to go back in time rasies its head each time we share a landmarkd date. This two year mark leaves me full of what if's. What if I had done or said something defferently so that our Jenny would still be with us. I really believe missing her will never change that no matter how much time goes by that the ache in our hearts will remain....it makes me more grateful for the sweet memories that stay with me also. I do so love Brian and Ann and the boys and yearn for them to have peace. Our hearts and thoughts are with you and we pray for that "peace that passes understanding". Auntie May and Family in the USA.
There are certain things that never change...the maginitude of missing someone!
Love you everyday Jenny! Bronlyn
Two years have gone but memories of you live on.
Thinking of you always. Our prayers are with you.
Lots of Love always
Bid, Sean, Sadie, Maura, Denise and Nan.
I first heard of Jenny a few days after suffering a miscarriage. At that point she was still presumed 'missing' and I hoped and prayed (despite being an atheist) for her safe return as I could not bear the prospect of anyone else enduring the loss of a much-loved child.
When it became clear that Jenny had been murdered, I felt incredibly guilty for making comparissons between my loss and yours.
Jenny struck a particular chord with me because, were we peers, we would either have been fast friends or sworn enemies: such are the similarities (or so I percieve).
At 19 I too was earning my own money but still trying to find my way in the world. All I wanted to do was pursue my music and create a world around me that accommodated what I believed to be right. Me and my friends camped out when we could, attempting to build an all-year-round festival vibe and some of the best intellectual musings, laughs and friendships of my life come from that period.
Fortunately for me, I was not targetted by anyone evil enough to exploit my youth,idealism & trust for their own nefarious ends and I have gone on to build a happy and purposeful life, blessed now with a lovely little boy.
I mourn not just for the talented, spirited and lovely girl Jenny evidently was but also for the wonderful woman (and, probably, mother) she would have grown into.
I am writing this now because, with so much attention on other 'missing' cases (rightly so), I would hate to see Jenny forgotten. I sincerely hope that, soon, you are able to ascertain the truth about what happened to your baby and that justice is done.
So terribly sorry for your loss. I hope it is some comfort to know that there are still many people who think of Jenny, though we were not fortunate enough to know her.
To "mcp":-
Many thanks for the very kind thoughts left in the post above. So sorry to learn of your personal loss, which must have been very traumatic and personal for you.
We had seen your message the day after it was posted and we were both very touched and moved. We wanted to reply, but found it difficult to find the right words. So much of what you said seems so relevant..... the targeting, the exploitation of Jenny's youth and gross (immoral) misuse of trust are all so pertinent.
We know that Jenny is not forgotten and we have friends in Richmond that help us to keep the profile up when needed. For now, we have to let events take their course and hope that the justice system doesn't fail Jenny and that we find out where she is, what happened and why.
Jenny is so terribly missed and until we have these answers, we take some comfort and strength from the messages we receive.
Thank you again,
Ann & Brian
still think about you all the time..
especially when the sun shines.
Auntie Mary.xx
Now that your Birthday is nearly here we still love and miss you very much and always will.
Love: Irene & John
love uncle Terry's verse!
Happy birthday sweetheart
will play some Razorlight for you today
love as as always...
Auntie Mary & Nanny.xxxxx
Today would have been Jenny's 22nd birthday. We give thanks and praise for a wonderful daughter and sister..... a free spirit.
Thinking of Jenny and all her family on this special day
Chris xx
Hey Jenny,I'm sorry if I sometimes seemed distant,sorry I didn't get to know you better,above all sorry I let this happen.If only i'd have known,who could have seen this coming.Your in my thoughts as soon as I wake up every morning and I still remember you when I go to bed at night.Love Chris.
As usual words fail me except - why?? Happy Birthday - have had my candle lit for you & your family today. May your strength continue.
Thinking of you always. Especially as i prepare for my 21st, i remember your 18th birthday so well i think it was the second time ever you wore a dress and thats only because you were a bridesmaid at the same time.
Loving you now and forever.
Heather and Jonnie
Always will remember your birthday on the 6th of october just like we will never forget you.
Always in our hearts forever. Miss you so much
Kay and Frank
You will always remain in our prayers. Miss you.
Bid and Sean
Circumstances or people can take away your money,and they can take away your health. But no one can ever take away your precious memories.
Memories of a wonderful and special person, Jenny. x
Everyday I take a special moment to remember the women who have changed my life -- I am so grateful to have been blessed with so many strong and beautiful women in my life! My cousin Jenny was always my breath of fresh air...I value the time I had with her -- we always spent our time together laughing and joking. I love you Jenny, always have, always will...Thank you for blessing my life! Happy, happy 22nd Birthday! Love, Your Cousin Bronlyn (aka Bronnie)and Alex.
I forgot something....
My Auntie Ann said that Jenny always loved to say that her cousins are from the States...
My husband I live in Sandy, Utah...which is just outside of Salt Lake City, Utah...Jenny got a great taste of all the Mormon History while she was here for a visit...My Granny wouldn't let us go home until Jenny had seen it all -- and she saw it all!
Love ya Jenny...
Hey Jen, was watching Pretty Woman the other day and thought of you and your love for Richard Geere.
Love you loads
I was just thinking about you Jenny...love ya forever, for always, no matter what!
To Anne and Brian,
Thank you for the kind comments you left to my post in August, which were further demonstration of the dignified, restrained and loving parents you are.
It is with great sadness that I post again, following the murder of another beautiful and talented young woman with her whole life ahead of her.
It remains an absolute tragedy, that even in the wake of your immesurable loss and the Jenny Nicholl-shaped hole that exists in the fabric of society, you remain without answers as to what happened to your baby.
Caught up in my own life, as is innevitable (if selfish), I have completely forgotten when the trial begins. However, I continue to think about Jenny frequently and talk to friends and colleagues about her story when appropriate. Without exception, all are moved.
I continue to hope that justice will be done and that the particular abhorrence of the calculated and evil nature of Jenny's murder shall not be ignored by the public at large and that the press will cover the trial with due deferance to the Nicholl family (including Jenny) and without either hysteria or complacencey.
I wish you, once again, every joy you can achieve while your loss is so great and hope that,in time, memories of birthdays and bonfires and Christmas will make you smile before you cry. Though, you are so strong, they maybe do already.
Thank you again.
With admiration and enormous sympathy,
My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this unimaginably sad time, I hope justice prevails for Jenny and you all in the new year when this monster goes to trial.
Melanie Stokes (Nutt)
Dearest Ann and Brian you are always in our thoughts. Mo and I often look at the blogspot and see the latest news. Good luck with the trial, you will be in our prayers! lots of love Gem and Mo xxx
Just to let you know that Jenny is still in my thoughts after listening to her playing on my 'No Fouling' Demo Cd last night. She rocks.
I hope that the new year brings resolution
We never really knew each other but I knew her work as a musician.
My thoughts are with the family
If anyone wants a copy of the No Fouling CD Featuring Jenny Just leave a message on here and i will contact you and do you a copy. She really rocks on the CD and it is the perfect tribute to a under rated guitarist. Keep rocking Jenny's music is eternal
I just wanted to leave a message wishing your family regards of the season and to say my thoughts and prayers are always with your family,I hope the new year brings you all peace and that justice will prevail for you all and Jenny. Hopefully then you will get answers to all your questions
I have fond memories of Fallingbostel and often think of the times I spent with Jenny, Chris and James.
Best wishes,
Melanie (Nutt)
To Ann and Brian and Jenny's family and friends,
Sorry it has been so long since i last left a message but i find it hard to say the right words. Its amazing that even though we are going through the same terrible thing in our lives that even i cannot find words strong enough to say how i feel for you. I now appreciate how hard it is for people to say things to me and my family when they are talking about Lisa. Coming up to xmas is always especially hard as families gather to celebrate. For both of us there will be an empty seat at the dinner table and presents that remain unopened. Hopefully 2008 will give you all the justice you so deserve, and have waited such a long time for and we will be able to lay our girls to rest. Sending all our love today and always the Dorrian Family xxxxx
wishing my family a Happy Christmas anda peaceful New Year...
Hoping that justice prevails in 2008
Antie Mary xxx
My thoughts are always with Jenny and our Granny...especially at the holidays. I miss her all the time...
As we enter 2008, we would just like to thank everyone who has supported us, in one way or another over the last year and to wish them a Happy New Year. Also to everyone who has written to us, sent cards, emailed or posted a message on this blog..... apart from one sad 'poster' that is, (they know who they are) who can whistle dixie!!!
We face some difficult days ahead as the trial date approaches though we still take enormous strength in knowing that so many people are thinking of us, our family and of course, Jenny.
We will try to keep you all updated after the proceedings start, but as yet, we are not sure whether this is best done by providing information here on this blog, or by email, as we have done in the past. We'll take some advice on this when the trial is under way, so please bear with us.
For Jenny, we will remain strong, positive and uppermost... dignified.
Hi Jenny's family, l lived in Catterick at the time your daughter went missing, l have moved now but still think about her, l often look on the internet to see how the investigation is going, l wish you all the best for 2008, and hope in this year you get some closure on her dissapearence. Good Luck xx
Thinking of you all and praying that there will be justice for Jenny. Stay strong, nothing could be worse than the realisation that your beautiful child would not be returning. Jenny was typical of many other teenagers and was robbed of the opportunity to move on and develop in to adulthood where her caring, unique qualities would have continued to shine through.
Hi, I live near Richmond, and go to SFX, and would just like to say that unfortunately I didn't get the chance to meet Jenny, but as we knew the same people, I would have liked to have met her. From what I have heard, Jenny was very popular and very talented, and a credit to her parents and the rest of her family.
I know that people still have fond memories of Jenny, and she is still mentioned by alot of different people.
I would just like to say, I have alot of respect for you [the family of Jenny] as you have all remained strong and dignified through out this whole traumatic time.
My heart goes out to you, and I will think of Jenny, praying that the whole truth is public. I think Jenny deserves that, at the very least.
She was beautiful and talented and everyone, especially in Richmond with all the pictures up, can see that.
Thank you for reading this.
Best of luck with the trial.
Dear Ann Brian and Boys,
Our hearts go out to you today, and every day since Jenny went missing. "Guilty"You have all behaved with dignity and respect despite the heartache you have been through. Jenny would have been so proud of you all.
"Heaven is a beautiful place to be, full of beautiful people having a beautiful time!"
Lots of Love and the greatest repect, Paddy, William, Debbie, Jon, Anthea and Mandy and Families.
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