Hi, I live near Richmond, and go to SFX, and would just like to say that unfortunately I didn't get the chance to meet Jenny, but as we knew the same people, I would have liked to have met her. From what I have heard, Jenny was very popular and very talented, and a credit to her parents and the rest of her family.
I know that people still have fond memories of Jenny, and she is still mentioned by alot of different people.
I would just like to say, I have alot of respect for you [the family of Jenny] as you have all remained strong and dignified through out this whole traumatic time.
My heart goes out to you, and I will think of Jenny, praying that the whole truth is public. I think Jenny deserves that, at the very least.
She was beautiful and talented and everyone, especially in Richmond with all the pictures up, can see that.
Thank you for reading this.
Best of luck with the trial.
Dear Ann Brian and Boys,
Our hearts go out to you today, and every day since Jenny went missing. "Guilty" You have all behaved with dignity and respect despite the heartache you have been through. Jenny would have been so proud of you all.
"Heaven is a beautiful place to be, full of beautiful people having a beautiful time!"
Lots of Love and the greatest repect, Paddy, William, Debbie, Jon, Anthea and Mandy and Families.
Thank God there has finally been justice for Jenny and her family. Jenny will always be held in our hearts as the beautiful, talented, individual young person that she was. As her family you have shown great strength and dignity throughout this very difficult time.
I live in Richmond and my daughter was in the same year as Jenny at SFX, so I have felt for you since she went missing.
I also know "of" the man found guilty yesterday. Thank goodness justice has been done, his involvement has been obvious since the very start.
I`m sure he`ll get a long enough sentence today, to jog his own memory of his guilt and tell you where your precious daughter is.
I sincerely wish this for you and for both of you and your family to find peace.
Fantastic News hope now he has the moral backbone to admit what he has done and tell where Jenny is so you can get the closure you deserve. Hope he gets the full penalty of law. Our thoughts are with you all at this hard time. Paul and Sue (Fans of Jenny's Music)
Dear Brian and Ann. We are glad that justice has been done.We just wish you could have the chance to give Jenny a proper burial and have the chance to grieve. We have thought about you often although we have not seen you for a long while.Maureen & Chris Bolton Avenue
Have followed this case as a local person, I would just like to add my heartfelt sympathies to the family of this beautiful young girl. As the parent of teenagers my heart goes out to you all. I hope you can take some comfort from the court case and I wish wholeheartedly that you will be allowed to find and bury your daughter. In my thoughts. XX
We are so pleased that justice has finally been done. It must have been unbearable for you to go through this horrific ordeal. One can only hope that this will alleviate some of your long-term suffering.
We are constantly thinking of you and your family and Jenny is forever within our thoughts.
God Bless
Sue and Claire, Richmond
i didnt know anything about jenny until the begining of the trial,that man wouldnt know the truth if it hit him in the face,the only decent thing he could do is tell you where she is so you could put her to rest,then i hope you could find some pease yourselves
Words are never enough to express that my thoughts and prayers are with your whole family at this time of mixed emotions. No sentence can ever be appropriate to replace what this man so needlessly stole from you. We can only hope that now he has the conscience to tell you were Jenny is to enable her to be put to rest with dignity.
Melanie xxx
My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time of mixed emotions, there can be no sentence that is ever appropriate to pay for what he so needlessly stole from you all. I hope that he will do the right thing and let Jenny be put to rest with the dignity she deserves.
Melanie xxx
so sorry to read you have lost your daughter and on top of everything her body has not been found. I pray for you both and Jenny.
hi made a comment on precv page i am glad the verdict is guilty now he can be were he belongs i am from near richmond my self and i new jenny and she was a well loved person. i hope the culprit lets you know what he has done, so u can finally put both your minds at ease and get jenny finally down to rest in a proper way, like she deserves, all the best and my prayers come out to you and jenny. but at least now justice has been done and the coward will come clean.
To the Nicholl family, I don't know you or your family but learned of Jenny's disappearance through the Crimewatch appeal which really tugged at my heart strings. I have followed the investigation, hoping and praying all the time that you would get some answers and some justice. I am pleased for you that this man is being punished for what he has done but I cannot begin to understand the mixed emotions you must be going through at this time. Although this stage in the investigation is over, the heartache you feel is not. I just want you to know that I will continue to think of you and pray for you that you find Jenny and are able to have a proper burial for her. Although it will not be so prominent in the media, remember people are still thinking of you. Love and best wishes for the future, J xxx
To the Nicholl family, I don't know you or your family but learned of Jenny's disappearance through the Crimewatch appeal which really tugged at my heart strings. I have followed the investigation, hoping and praying all the time that you would get some answers and some justice. I am pleased for you that this man is being punished for what he has done but I cannot begin to understand the mixed emotions you must be going through at this time. Although this stage in the investigation is over, the heartache you feel is not. I just want you to know that I will continue to think of you and pray for you that you find Jenny and are able to have a proper burial for her. Although it will not be so prominent in the media, remember people are still thinking of you. Love and best wishes for the future, J xxx
ann and family,
been watching all the updates on news i am glad that culprit has been sent down it is the best place for him, all my thoughts go out to you and brian. i am origionally from richmond and i knew jenny, thoughts and prayers are with you
so sorry to read you have lost your daughter and on top of everything her body has not been found. I pray for you both and Jenny.
my name is Claire Nutt, im 18 years old and Ann and Brian are good family friends. When we first heard of Jennys disaperance, we hoped and prayed for the best, and that their daughter would be safley bought home, but now nothing can be said to quite make things right, and thorugh all of this, Ann and Brian have been so very brave.
i didnt know jenny to well as i was very young, but all of my sisters, and my parents tell me she was a wonderful person. no one can quite believe what has happend. it still shocks us.
but Jenny, ann, brian and her brothers all diserve peace. they diserve to have their daughter back and give her the dignity and respect that she so surly diserves.
our thoughts and prayers are with the Nicholl family, and my parents Lynda and John Nutt send their condolences. they send their love and would like ann and brian to know that we are all thinking of them at this hard time.
claire x
I was so relieved to hear that some kind of justice has been done this week, although nothing will ever be enough. I was two years above Jenny at school and she was good friends with some of my friends. I was in the same year as the daughter of this man and I am finding it a little difficult to come to terms with all this, just how everything seems so close to home as it were. I have been living down south since 2005 but have always been kept up to date with developments of the case. I just hope that this evil man can find it somewhere in his conscience to tell someone where Jenny is so that she can be laid to rest with the dignity that she deserves. My thoughts are with you all, god bless you.
To Ann & Brian,
Just to let you know that we are very glad justice has finally been done and a "guilty" verdict was given. We only hope the whole truth will come out so that you can lay Jenny to rest properly and respectfully, just as she desrerves. Our thoughts & prayers are with you always...
Mary-Anne (Dineen's daughter) & Stewart x x x
Dear Brian & Ann,
I am sure it is little consolation to see the perpetrator sentenced to a tarif of 18 yrs. I only hope that one day Jenny is found so you can say your goodbyes. The piece of filth who is now in prison will have a miserable and fearful time, always looking over his shoulder as even in Prison his type are hated by the general population, who are constently looking for an opportunity to display their abhorance of his crime in an extremely violent way. As a Prison Officer I know his time will be hell although by comparison it is nothing to the anguish you are all suffering. Our thoughts are with you and hope that one day you may find peace and some resolution. John & Dagmar Ford
Ann and Brian,
Now this monster has been caged,maybe he will have the decency to reveal to you where your darling Jenny is.
Ronnie and Bob Megrath
Dear Ann, Brain and boys.
You might not remember me but me and jenny were best friends wen we were around 7 years old in F/bostal. I am daughter of Jimmy and Marie Gillen, i have only found out about Jenny and cannot beleive it, i still have a pic of Jenny wen we dressed up as clowns lol i have alot of fond memories, also we both wanted to go out with matthew Parkinson lol. I just want to say that my thoughts are with you all and that justice has finally been served, but no sentence will ever compare to the loss of a loved one. Again i am so sorry for your loss love v X
Thank god justice has been done and this scum removed from our community. Jenny cant hurt anymore. my thoughts are with you xxx
Jenny although you are out of sight you are never more than a thought away.
Loved and remembered in every way.
Love Irene & John
hi ann&brian,our prayers are still ongoing&will be until Jenny is found.the murderer has plenty of time to reflect on his actions now.after his reflections,hopefully,he will appreciate what he has put you all through &reveal jennys whereabouts.God Bless you all for your dignity,Bid&Sean
A Tribute for Jenny;
:{Something Inside} SO STRONG :
The higher you build your barriers
The taller I become.
The farther you take my rights away
The faster I will run.
You can deny me.
You can decide to turn your face away
No matter'cause there's...
Something Inside So strong
I know that I can make it
Though you're doing me wrong so wrong.
You thought that my pride was gone,oh no.
There's Something Inside so strong
Something inside so strong.
The more you refuse to hear my voice.
The lounder I will sing.
You hide behind the walls of Jericho.
Your lies will come tumbling down.
Deny my place in time
You squander the truth that is mine.
My light will shine so brightly
It will blind you
because there's something Inside so strong,so strong.
Missing in the darkness,
vanished without a trace,
with only the memories and photographs,
to fill an empty place.
Laughter and sorrow,
anguish and grief,
all the moments of a life,
but with no relief.
Everything and nothing
one within and between all,
the eternal silence falls.
Always a smile instead of a frown.
Always a hand when someone was down.
Always true,thoughtful, and kind.
Wonderful memories you left behind.
Know one can ever take your place
Our sweet Jenny,with the beautiful
Well wisher from the north-east.
Hi Jen,
I know your in heaven with Granddad. As your 3 year anniversary approaches I hope you both are having a drink or two celebrating your life just like at Granddad's 70th Party.
Let us all remember the good times.
Love you always Heather
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