30th June 2011
It is now six years since Jenny never came home and we still do not know exactly what happened to her or where she is. We do know that David Hodgson has been convicted of her murder and is serving an 18 year life sentence.
There have been two high profile cases in the news in recent weeks that appear very pertinent. The first was that of Albert Dryden, convicted 19 years ago for the murder of a local planning officer in County Durham. Apparently Dryden has never shown any remorse for the killing or even admitted that what he did was wrong. Consequently, it appears that there are no plans by the parole board to release him. We hope this gives Hodgson something to think about as he has not admitted his guilt, let alone show any remorse whatsoever, or indicate what he did to Jenny and where he has put her remains. We trust his sentence in prison will be much longer than the minimum 18 years.
The second story within the last week was the trial and subsequent conviction of Levi Bellfield for the murder of 13 year old Milly Dowler. This was a horrific and tragic case and our hearts go out to Milly’s parents and sister. There were many similarities in the appalling way the family had to endure accusations and torment delivered by the justice system. The family are probably no different than any other yet defence lawyers insist on dragging out intimate details of family life before the media. This is often muddled with far-fetched allegations made by the defence then reported on as if it were the truth when usually it is without direct relevance. It is one thing correctly representing the defendant but it is quite another when the defence counsel appears to actively join in what is often, a very fanciful yarn spun by the defendant. They hide behind the cliché of ‘defending their client fearlessly’...perhaps it is their own reputation they are trying to defend. Let’s hope that the dreadful way in which the Dowler family were treated and let down by the system leads to some much needed change.
The Dowler’s echoed a question put by a member of our family: “Who is on trial here, our family, Jenny or Hodgson?” As family, at least we can answer for ourselves...as we said at the time; Jenny’s very soul was shaken to the core and needlessly besmirched while her body lay where Hodgson put it and only he knows. David Hodgson is to blame for the many heinous and wild accusations but he was assisted by the justice system and in particular his defence counsel. Despite the legal guidelines they hide behind...perhaps they too should feel ashamed.
As ever, we will be thinking of Jenny on 30th June, as we do every day.